Investition und Finanzierung III: Engineering Economics
V2, Ü2 / Wintersemester / Deutsch
Die Studierenden werden mit den lebensphasenbezogenen Problemstellungen von privatwirtschaftlichen (Technologie-) Unternehmen vertraut gemacht und lernen die wesentlichen Methoden und Werkzeuge kennen, um finanzwirtschaftliche Probleme in der Gründungs-, Wachstums- und Liquidationsphase eines Unternehmens analysieren und bewerten zu können.
Lebensphasenbezogene Problemstellungen von Unternehmen im Bereich von Investition und Finanzierung (Gründungs-, Wachstums- und Liquidationsphase), Projektbewertung mittels Risikoanalyse/Simulations-techniken, Finanzwirtschaftliche Bewertung von Technologieunternehmen, Formen der Unternehmens-finanzierung, Kapitalstrukturtheorie, Simultane Investitions- und Finanzplanung mittels mathematischer Programmierung
Investition und Finanzierung IV: Financial Engineering
L2, T2 / Summer term / English
The students get to know the most relevant concepts for the modeling of derivatives (real options and financial options), develop an adequate understanding of the methods for deriving the price of options and are capable of choosing feasible analytical numerical algorithms and to apply them on problems of Corporate Finance.
Instruments of risk management (Corporate Finance), computer algebra systems, complex financial strategies, evaluation of derivatives (time continuous/discrete modeling), evaluation and modeling of basic and multi-period real option
Wertorientiertes Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement
V2, Ü2 / Sommersemester / Deutsch
Die Studierenden erhalten einen Überblick über Kernprobleme des wertorientierten Technologie- und Innovationsmanagements im einzelwirtschaftlichen Betrieb, erwerben Kenntnisse über systematische Diagnose- und Planungsmethoden, identifizieren Probleme im Bereich der wertorientierten Betrachtung von Innovationsprozessen und entwickeln entsprechende Lösungsmöglichkeiten und Entscheidungsgrundlagen.
Innovation, Innovationsprozess und Erklärungsmodelle technologischer Entwicklungen, analytische Prognosemodelle zur Abschätzung des Erfolgs- und Risikopotentials von Innovationen, fortgeschrittene Methoden der F&E-Projektbewertung: Technologie-Kapitalwertrate, Bewertung von Sequential- und Parallelforschung, Qualitative und quantitative Methoden der Strategischen Planung, Strategien der Technologie- und Kompetenzentwicklung, Management technologischer Kooperationen und Netzwerke
Sustainability and Finance
L2, E1 / Winter Term / English
The students
- develop an understanding for challenges of social, economic and ecological sustainability faced by corporations
- are able to interpret sustainability projects of corporations as investments
- have the ability to use quantitative methods to evaluate sustainability projects
- learn methods to make investment decision under uncertainty (real options) in the context of sustainability
- become familiar to structure, plan and evaluate a sustainability project in groups
- have a qualified opinion on the subject of sustainability as well as the tools to discuss and influence the topic at a company level
- Sustainability: concepts, dimensions, goals and stakeholders
- Ecological and economic sustainability
- Resource and environmental economics
- Valuation and modelling of sustainability projects
- Real options theory
Seminar Computational Finance and Financial Management
S2, maybe additional 1-2 T, English
The students become familiar with modeling tools for financial options and option pricing, acquire basics in generating random numbers with specific distributions. Also they learn to perform a Monte Carlo simulation, get knowledge in numerical methods e.g. the finite element method and learn how to solve financial problems in programming languages e.g. Python, Matlab.
The seminar is oriented towards current developments in the fields of computational finance and financial management.
Application via Office of Study Affairs
Project Seminar in FinTech and Blockchain Innovations
S3, English
The students expand their hands-on and interdisciplinary abilities by developing individual solutions to a self-chosen topic in the fields of financial modelling and forecasting, risk management and financial technologies based on e.g. Blockchain technology. In this context the students
- acquire knowledge how to build financial models.
- experience how to implement the models in programming languages e.g. Python, Matlab.
- learn how to practically apply financial modelling tools to a concrete real world problem.
- develop an understanding in creating virtual and/or physical prototypes to test and visualize their ideas.
- gain insights in the young and innovative field of FinTech and Blockchain.
- improve skills to present and defend their work
The project seminar is oriented towards current developments in the fields of FinTech and Blockchain innovations
Application via Office of Study Affairs